Once upon a time two friends named Lyra & Liz went into the woods together. They were there to see the sites of the wild and the exquisite rain forest, in which long ago they had heard so much about from fellow passersby. There they saw a strange tree in the distance. Twisted, misshapen, beautiful. It beckoned them to come closer.
It’s echoes were low and unheard aloud except within the inside of their skulls. Somehow it knew what they were thinking. It knew that they could only spectate and witness such a powerful and beautiful creation of nature. "Liz and Lyra," it said, “do you hear me?”
Lyra and Liz looked at one another. “Did you hear that?” asked Lyra. Liz nodded in her silence. And once again the tree spoke. “Come closer…You may touch the bark, my roots,and my leaves. And you can be the first and only humans to ever enter the house of the dead.”
"What a lovely specimen of tree indeed" exclaimed Liz. “How it talks to us and asks us to enter its house.”
“But did it say 'dead' or was I imagining that?,” asked Lyra.
“No that is what you heard. I heard it say so. The house of the dead,” said Liz.
They both looked at each other and then back at the tree, awaiting its next words. Nothing came. They continued to do as most travelers do. Take lots of pictures, worship the tree and all of nature, sing "We are 138" by the Misfits at the top of their lungs, and say silly things such as "this feels like it would be in a film about 'Nam for some reason."
Then all of sudden, there was a blood curdling growl. And it lit up all within sight. The two girls saw a bright light in the distance. Their eyes began to grow wide with fear. The monstrous noise was coming from inside the tree...................
This was the last known footage of them taken on July 1st. At this time, this is all the information we have of their whereabouts, but rest assured. We will not be lazy. Well, maybe we'll be lazy. It's on our list of things to do, but take a look for yourself. We do know that it began to rain....
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